sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2015

Just another opinion ...

  Sometimes you find some people or you don`t, they just come to your life ... and they`re that kind of people you can talk about anything whit out looking like an idiot :))

   So one of the discussions was about things that you see or  happen like superstitions, those kind of things you once considered bullshit or just didn`t notice.
  It`s sort of something you believe in or just starting to believe in it, come say it`s God, soma say it`s Buddha, some  say it`s Thor ... it really doesn`t matter .... I believe in my Angel, i believe in aliens and the fact that we are not alone in this endless universe. I believe that you  get what you give, that everything happens for a reason  and everything will come to you at the right time ... ....

  All this week almost all the time when i looked at the watch/clock it happen that the numbers were similar or shown in mirror or the same numbers was shown three times. Than this night an owl crossed above the road in front of me .... and instantly i had a wired worm feeling ...as i like owls ... maybe some have no fucking clue what the fuck i`m talking about  ... well it`s sort of i believe in spirits. Yes, spirits as in animal spirit. And later one as i was having a walk whit this lovely "Smurf" we were talking and i was questioning myself if we`re going to see any hedgehog tonight ... 2 seconds after she`s pointing at one. That was a "WTF" moment then i smiled. It was a sign. It was maybe because i was good all day ..or at least that`s what i think. :P

 For some it may be shit, for some it could look like a normal day. To be honest i didn`t do much research on this and probably won`t do it too soon .  Sometimes i wish i could be able to see my angel and talk to him. 

 So at the end of the day what goes around comes around. Superstitions are no longer a superstition, you`re starting to see things different, stop questioning everything, getting closer to nature / moon / stars ... It`s sort of finding yourself ... unfortunately not all of us will get at this point ... put it like " not all of us are explorers " :).

  So in my opinion, all this religion thing is bullshit ... we all come from the same gene, theoretical we are all brothers and sisters and we are  not alone in this vast nothingness of space, we are connected whit each other and whit the whole universe in the same time.

duminică, 18 octombrie 2015

About that ...

It starts like a joke, always. :))

 You saw her that day, she was so innocent whit that look in her eyes ... Whitout knowing she let you see more than she  thought you did. You notice than, she's a keeper, she has all you need ... All you were ever looking for ... It was all infront of you and yet you let her walk away. I can't blame you .... you can't trust people anymore and needer she. Now tell me, what's so special about her ?
Every little thing .... She's sort of like me ... She has a glow in her look that make you wanna hug and kiss her right there, i can tell she's the keeper  type, loyal, respectfull and loving girl, she doesn't like to ask for help even if you tell her you want and can help her. The way she touch's, the way she smile ... All those times she was biteing her lips .. She can make me melt just by looking in my eyes ... It feelt like she was looking through my eyes strait in my soul ... I can't put in words what i feel whit her around.

Thing is ... As much as i would like her i can't get any closer. Couse yah she got it all, but she scared the shit out of me.

 "Why ?"

 Well... She make me act like an idiot child around her, i can talk anything with her i like to listen to her, she makes me feel comfortable, she could easy take me out of my comfort zone whit out me enev noticing, give me butterflys, and she manages to calm me down whit out even trying. Ever feel like it`s the part that completes  you ? But knowing what i been through, what she's been through ... It's all about that trust you have left ... There's always have to be someone to ruin a beautifull person and make her lose it`s confidence/trust in people. And i`m 95% sure that  this is a  71% of today`s  people problem :p

All in one ... We may share the same feelings, want the same things, but we to scared to go on whit it or speak our minds freely, all this  just because we used to do it before whit the persons that showed us what it's like to fly closer to the sun and get your wings burned ... Hell of a fall.

 Some were out there ... There's still hope ... Couse everything happens for a reason ... And yah it's not ok, which means it's not the end. :)

vineri, 15 august 2014

Humans vs. Animals

    After a small talk whit my flat mate I decided to write about this. Did u ever wonder why animals are more loyal than people in general ?

    Let`s put it like this. In my case I had till now 2 dogs and 3 cats. Can`t say I don`t like animals, I do like them and from all the animals I had I wanted to get rid off one of them. The first dog I had. Reason … it cued my shoes, a pare of shoes I really loved but were destroyed after one day.  I can`t say I didn`t love that dog but that was the chary from above the cake. Took it to a friend whit garden and more space for it. 
  Two  of the cats disappear  so I can`t say much about them.

   Getting to the point, the second dog and the third cat were the best friend I ever got.  The cat, who can imagine a cat acting like a dog ? It was waking me up in the morning after I were canceling the alarm. How can an animal get so affective ? How can he wake u up in the morning, learning your schedule, walk you out to work, waiting for you to get home from wherever u were ? Comparing it whit humans you will start to think more and more about it. Why don`t humans do this, why don`t we do the same thing, why don`t we love unconditioned ?

    Yes and the second dog. After 7 months my dad got rid of it because it cued the cable from the vacuum cleaner. It was a wonderful dog. My sister got it home and it ended up sleeping in my room next to me. Even if I got it high at two months, I was the only one that that dog was listening. Is it my temper or my arrogance ? Maybe both. Maybe an animal is able to see above the arrogance u showing everyday or your impulsive temper.

    Humans, we never stay and don`t even try to see what`s behind our every day cold faces. Yes I agree whit you, we are more stress than an animal but that doesn’t make us better. We struggle every day to survive and we forget abut thing like carrying or loving or whatever. Why can animals do that and we don`t ?  
   How can an animal love you more than the person you taught it`s everything for you ? Thing is an animal will always notice when your sad, happy, sick, afraid, full of joy, blab la bla …
   Imagine a sick dog that`s waiting for you to get home after 3 weeks just to see you one last time before passing away. Yah, that`s fucking emotional. That`s something a human will never do on it`s entire fucking miserable life. 
    That`s why an animal will always remain your  best friend, confident and it will love you unconditional no matter what. 
    Now I`m asking you. What do you prefer more ? A friend that it will disappear at a point or a 4 legs friend that it will always be there and listen or be close to you ?

    Get yourself an animal. Who cares if it`s a cat or a dog or a guinea pig or a hamster or a tiger. Just remember that it may be the best or the only friend you will have in your life that it won`t question your actions and it won`t judge you for nothing. Yes it will get upset but he will always come back to you.

     So remember. If you can`t be good to others at last be good whit your only friend u may  always remember as the best friend you ever had.

sâmbătă, 9 august 2014

Life surrounded by women

Hello reader, maybe the title or content of this post you are going to read may look like a pamphlet so treat it as such.
    How did I get in this case ... doesen`t really matter, the point is that I got to live in the same apartment with a girl I knew before being the beloved relative of a friend. To be honest I never thought I'd ever get here but to put the icing on the cake, most of her friends are women, and to add the cream in a short time will be a 2 flat face, which leads to: I`ll sit with two girls in the same apartment! Who didn`t  wished for once to sit with two girls in the same apartment? :)
 No illusions are illusions and reality is different. The reality is that you do not get how some people think or how they would like. In my case for example, we're friends, talking, telling, helping , cooking ... etc, no, we do not shower together J and  do not share the same bed :).
    Slowly get to understand them and take from theyr habits. Do not use pads =)). But I stopped chewing my nails and started to use scissors (good is scissor from  the knife, but still). Stand more time with them, they'll give you advice, say you're free to do anything for you, go  shoping,I don`t know. You begin to see life differently from how you saw it before. By this point I were standing whit parents and / or surrounded by boys as normal. But coming out of the normal that everything is back to 180 degrees.
    To "go out whit  girls" as they say "like girls do" takes a different turn. Indeed not all the girls  are the same. Thought you guys have an active life? Pfff ... do not even compare. Girls tend to say let's go, let's do it, let's mend, let's get drink, let's have fun, etc. ...
    Yet I still can not get used to go to shoping with the girls. I don`t have  the patience to walk for hours in different stores yet so I'll pass.
     When you say "we eat something? "Most times we get to do something quick to eat and there's no recipe but made ​​at that time and usually goes  good.
     Or there are times when someone (usually someone is a female) comes and says "let`s make something to eat at my place" and is a new recipe taken from the net or seen somewhere. You can`t really say no and not even feeling sorry you accepted, regardless that you sit in the kitchen or around not knowing what to do.
     It is said that if you go somewhere with girls is easier to hang or you're gay. Not going to discriminate, no, I'm not  gay, I have nothing against gay people as long as they remain in the conversation aeria. But back to the point, you don`t really wanna go  hooked. Why? Good question. Because it's different than those moments when you go out with guys. Do not get a wrong impression, I still go  out with the guys and do shit but have no connection with each other.
     You know how girls say that they gather  to a friend to learn or do anything. Yes they  gather but don`t imagine that`s turning into a total lust :) no, it's not like in the movies. Gather and often begin to discuss events, ideas, dreams, desires at a cup of coffee / juice / water / alcoohol. The ideas we have about their meetings, I  can`t say I'm totally wrong but mostly wrong :).
    You reach at  a moment when you think like them. (Ask for examples in your comments because now I don`t have a lot of inspiration), and becomes totally different than before.
I end here because my inspiration is going to hell. The idea is the same. Standing between  girls and takeing from their habits it`s nothing  wrong with it. Consider it a new life experience J

  And thank you for reading this J

duminică, 20 iulie 2014

Cu sau fara iubit/a ?

Salutare :).

 Cu sau fara iubit/a, pare o intrebare idioata ... Dar cum eu ma gandesc la lucruri idioate, printre altele ma gandeam la treaba asta. Fiind un admirator al sexului frumos nici cum nu-mi da bine :))

    Sa incepem "Cu". E bine si nu e bine ... Adica e bine ca e acolo cand trebuie si cateodata asta conteaza, cand te sustine si te intelege, cand adoarme seara cu capu pe tine ... cand ... pana aici ca devin sentimentalit ... in momentu ala poti sa te consideri nu norocos, foarte norocos :) 
    Dar daca nu ai toate astea nu e bine. Ajungi si te intrebi ce cauti in relatia asta ? Adica daca fiecare e cu p***a masii care e vrajala ? :))  Si asa ajungi la intrebarea e mai bine "fara" .... Adica si daca stati in relatie sau plm pentru ca sexul este "woww" care e rostu ? Da bine poate ca nu toti vrem aceleasi lucruri :) eu vorbesc din punctul meu de vedere ;) 

    "Fara" e la fel de prost ca si "Cu",doar ca are mici exceptii :)) Adica mici exceptii pentru ca nu incerci sa mai protejezi persoana respectiva, poti sa faci orice fara sa te gandesti ca cineva ar putea suferi din cauza ta.
     E o grija in minus oarecum , dar ai momente cand pur si simplu vrei sa fie cineva pe ca pui capu, bine sa nu dramatizam, din nou. Trecand peste asta incepi treptat sa faci totul pentru tine , dar care e satisfactia ? Da este o satisfactie  dar parca tot lipseste ceva :) intelegi ce zic ? :)

     Da totu` pana intr-o zi . :-D cand apare de nicaieri nenorocitu ala de  Cupidon :))  
  Asadar, cum e mai bine ? Cu sau Fara ?

     Totu` se`ntampla cu un motiv. :)