duminică, 18 octombrie 2015

About that ...

It starts like a joke, always. :))

 You saw her that day, she was so innocent whit that look in her eyes ... Whitout knowing she let you see more than she  thought you did. You notice than, she's a keeper, she has all you need ... All you were ever looking for ... It was all infront of you and yet you let her walk away. I can't blame you .... you can't trust people anymore and needer she. Now tell me, what's so special about her ?
Every little thing .... She's sort of like me ... She has a glow in her look that make you wanna hug and kiss her right there, i can tell she's the keeper  type, loyal, respectfull and loving girl, she doesn't like to ask for help even if you tell her you want and can help her. The way she touch's, the way she smile ... All those times she was biteing her lips .. She can make me melt just by looking in my eyes ... It feelt like she was looking through my eyes strait in my soul ... I can't put in words what i feel whit her around.

Thing is ... As much as i would like her i can't get any closer. Couse yah she got it all, but she scared the shit out of me.

 "Why ?"

 Well... She make me act like an idiot child around her, i can talk anything with her i like to listen to her, she makes me feel comfortable, she could easy take me out of my comfort zone whit out me enev noticing, give me butterflys, and she manages to calm me down whit out even trying. Ever feel like it`s the part that completes  you ? But knowing what i been through, what she's been through ... It's all about that trust you have left ... There's always have to be someone to ruin a beautifull person and make her lose it`s confidence/trust in people. And i`m 95% sure that  this is a  71% of today`s  people problem :p

All in one ... We may share the same feelings, want the same things, but we to scared to go on whit it or speak our minds freely, all this  just because we used to do it before whit the persons that showed us what it's like to fly closer to the sun and get your wings burned ... Hell of a fall.

 Some were out there ... There's still hope ... Couse everything happens for a reason ... And yah it's not ok, which means it's not the end. :)

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